PUNTOITALY N°2 - July - December 2012

129 FOOD-AND-DRINK • PASTRY • GELATO The winning philosophy of Granulati Italia is encapsulated in its very name. In 1976 Oscar Nesta, together with his partners, founded Solkristal, one of the first companies in Italy to import and study a system for instantizing and granulating food products. The company made its entry onto the Italian market with a line of semi-finished products for gelato and confectionery, bearing the Gelatitalia trade- mark. In 1982 the company restructured and took the name Granulati Italia. It con- solidated its presence in the world of artisan production, and became the first company to use the instantizing process for semi-finished products for gelato. As testimony to the advanced processes introduced by the company, a line of complete granular products under the Gelatitalia label was presented for the creation of fruit gelato, a true precursor of today’s series of complete products. In 1985 Gelatitalia presented its first epoch-making base, Granulat 50, which opened up the market to modern concepts of gelato stabilising and balancing, a base that still today retains its loyal customers. The development of the company meant that it soon became urgent to find larger premises, and 1995 saw the shift into today’s factory at Boltiere (Bergamo Province). Gelatitalia boasts a complete range of semi-finished products for making gelati and semifreddi, suitable to meet the different requirements of the modern market. Bonfrutta and Friofrutta are two fruit bases for gelato, the first to work hot, the second cold, each making it pos- sible to obtain a creamy and spatula-friendly batch-churned gelato, without fats, milk or milk derivatives. Granulati Italia uses technologically advanced production lines, including its granulating and instantizing plant and a recently introduced ultrasound installation for the microencapsulation of ingredients. SWEET EVOLUTION Outstanding among the company’s most innovative products is its Tao Nero, which offers the pleasure of a gelato with the full taste of dark chocolate. It has the advan- tage of containing no milk or milk deriva- tives, and is therefore ideal for all chocolate fans who nevertheless suffer from lactose intolerance. This complete product has a quick and very simple method of working, and requires no pas- teurisation. The dosage is two kg of prod- uct (equivalent to 2 bags) to 3 litres of warm water. To support sales there is a complete package of merchandising, in- cluding t-shirt, bandana, taste marker and totem pole. DARK CHOCOLATE HEART GRANULATI ITALIA