PUNTOITALY N°2 - July - December 2012

157 PERNIGOTTI A PERFECT MATCH Pernigotti’s Morettina Cream goes perfectly with gelato. It can be used to make cones tastier, to enrich gelato cakes, or to lend a touch of exclusive creativity to imaginative desserts, snacks, zuccotti, cassate, cakes, mini-portions, crêpes and so on. Thanks to the new silicon moulds, available for tubs both large and small, it is possible to create lay- ers of Morettina quickly and easily, so as to obtain a simple and practical filling for every type of confection. For example, when matched with fresh gelato, these delicious layers can be used to streak and decorate the surface of the tub, or to stuff all chocolate, hazelnut and pistachio gelati. To enlighten the presentation in the display cabinet even more effective, ex- clusive taste markers have been created. Extremely versatile, Morettina can be used in the tube exactly as it is, and can stay in the display cabinet together with gelato. It is available in 6-kg pails. FOOD-AND-DRINK • PASTRY • GELATO