PUNTOITALY N°2 - July - December 2012

71 Australia, the distant and marvellous land of the kangaroos, is the setting for the intense activity of one of the dynamic Academies, part of the Accademia Bigatton network, that Bigatton has opened around the world. For Bigatton, Australia has always been an important market for artisan gelato; and today, with the collaboration of Bigatton Australia Pty Ltd, the Italian company can give a creative response to all those gelato makers, of both the older generation and the new, who wish to revitalise or else open new artisan gelato enterprises in this marvellous land. In collaboration with the Man- ager, Adam Marganis, a highly experienced gelato connoisseur, the Academy offers targeted courses in English, and collaborates actively in the creation of gelato outlets throughout Australia. AUSTRALIA: WIDE HORIZONS Adam Marganis ACCADEMIA BIGATTON FOOD-AND-DRINK • PASTRY • GELATO