Sweetmood No30 - May 2022

Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash Thanks to a series of scientific studies that have been published since 2014 in the USA, we are experiencing butter’s comeback, an ingredient that is often accused of being harmful to our health. French pastry chefs have always kept a secret: their pastries had to contain a lot of butter. Everyone knew that, but few proudly declared it. Butter was considered an enemy of our health. But what until now was considered unhealthy is now being reconsidered. Recently, science has re-evaluated the organoleptic nobility of one of the most demonized ingredients. To do so, of course, as with all ingredients, it must be a product of utmost quality! Its properties Since ancient times, butter was considered valuable thanks to its richness in vitamins and flavour, as well as for being palatable. Today we know that it is an animal fat, it is low in lactose, and it is rich in vitamins such as A, K and the rare and sought-after D. Furthermore, it is easily digestible, as it does not contain hydrogenated vegetable fats. It also has a good melting point. For a long time, it was considered to blame for high cholesterol levels, unbalanced diets and obesity, despite its nutritional properties. Finally, today it has been given dignity as a product that from a nutritional standpoint is unique and healthy. This is thanks to producers that have improved quality and have started communicating the existence of the many types of different aromas. The production chain has also gained importance, starting with the raising and feeding of the cows and going all the way to the quality of the milk. 35