Sweetmood No30 - May 2022

Butter vs extra virgin olive oil Butter contains less calories than extra virgin olive oil (680 Kcal per 100 g of butter against 920 Kcal for oil). Furthermore, butter is easier to dose, and it is hardly contaminated by chemicals which are often found in low-quality industrial oils. The different types The best butter is centrifuged, made by churning the cream obtained from centrifuged milk. It is a simple physical process. The freshly milkedmilk is placed in a centrifuge: on one side the milk comes out, and on the other there is a very fresh cream. The milk fat all goes into butter. Butter made from surfacing, which is the most common in Italy, comes from the cream that is left over after producing Grana Padano or other cheeses. There is also a third type of butter, whey butter, which is the least prized. Theoretically, it is not a true butter in that it is obtained after the cheesemaking process. An alternative that is quickly gaining consumer’s attention is goat butter, rich in fatty acids. It is formed by molecules that are smaller than those of cow’s milk, making it more digestible. It also contains some substances that have been dubbed “cholesterol scavengers”, keeping the cholesterol content low. Use in the pastry kitchen In Italy, the culture of using butter is more widespread in the central north, also due to problems related to temperature. It is found in many pastry preparations. It is used mostly in sponge cakes 36 KNOW-HOW Sincerely Media on Unsplash Simon Sapper on Unsplash