SweetMood No32 - November 2022

Obtained from the Cannabis sativa seeds, the flour is rich in essential fatty acids, but also in vitamins and minerals, especially phosphorus and iron. It is also a food with fewer calories than 00 wheat flour (about 21 percent less). Uses in the kitchen Hulled hemp seeds can be added to yogurt or salads, or to garnish recipes that have pilaf or basmati rice as a main ingredient. It lends itself to the preparation of vegan dishes (it is more digestible when compared to soy) as well as culinary options suitable for those and the inability to modernize its production have made it almost disappear, but today the attention to its cultivation and processing is growing. It was then a victim of the inability to distinguish between Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. In the seventies, the laws against drugs also affected hemp farming. Since 1998, the cultivation of industrial hemp has been legal again. Its properties Hemp is an annual crop, and it is environmentally friendly since it does not need a large quantity of water and it does not require excessive fertilization. It plays an important role in nutrition as its seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and Omega 6. Precisely because of this, hemp seeds regulate cholesterol levels in the blood and keep the heart healthy. They are rich in fibre, help maintain regularity, and strengthen the immune system. In the kitchen, mainly hemp flour is used. Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash Testeur de CBD on Unsplash 44 FROM THE PAST