SweetMood No32 - November 2022

Canafé, a gourmet drink Near Piacenza, in San Protaso, just a few kilometres from the medieval village of Castell’Arquato, the Landini agricultural business, a family business that deals directly with the cultivation of alternative crops such as flax, hemp and the processing of the harvested products, has launched an innovative product that incorporates the properties of hemp and coffee, reducing the caffeine and its harmful effects: Canafé. More than 50% of hemp seeds are blended with low-roasted coffee. The result is a VeganOk-certified drink, which provides energy even with a low amount of caffeine, less than 1/4 compared to traditional coffee. In addition, the low roasting of the coffee provides lower acidity when compared to the standard. Three varieties of Canafé are offered, similar in taste, but different in the grain size of the grinding. The first type is the classic Moka grind which, when using a Moka pot, releases all the hazelnut aroma of the hemp seeds while maintaining the coffee flavour. The drip coffee grind, known as American coffee, is perfect to ward off the cold and it is recommended after physical activity, for a recharge of energy and minerals. As for the espresso machine, it is a more full-bodied drink, very similar to a classic espresso but with a sweeter aftertaste. who suffer from gluten intolerance or allergies, since it is a gluten-free food. If a product involves leavening, it is recommended to use 10 percent of it, mixing it with other flours to obtain the total amount needed for the dough. Thanks to its nutty flavour, it is used to produce bread, sandwiches, sweet and savoury cakes, focaccia, pizzas, cookies, cheesecake, panettone and pasta. It can also be used to thicken puddings and soups, to flour and bread, or as a protein supplement in smoothies or juices. Today we are also beginning to appreciate hemp oil with its nutty flavour. Even if it is not suitable for frying, it is a great ingredient for baked goods. It is considered a health oil, having been declared as anticancer and a valid aid for patients with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Luis_Molinero - freepik Canafè ambientata 45