RECIPES with cream base 50 INGREDIENTS: • fresh whole milk 535 g • cream with 35% fat content 120 g • skim milk powder 50 g • sucrose 75 g • dry glucose syrup 30 DE 75 g • cream base 50 35 g • coconut paste 60 g • tequila 20 g • white rum 20 g • lemon juice 10 g Total 1000 g with cream base 100 INGREDIENTS: • fresh whole milk 535 g • cream with 35% fat content 120 g • skim milk powder 40 g • sucrose 65 g Coco Loco • dry glucose syrup 30 DE 60 g • cream base 100 70 g • coconut paste 60 g • tequila 20 g • white rum 20 g • lemon juice 10 g Total 1000 g INSTRUCTIONS Mix all the ingredients together except for the coconut paste, alcohol and lemon juice, then heat to 85°C. The coconut paste should be added when the mixture is at 4°C. Add the mixture to the batch freezer and start the freezing cycle. During the final phase, slowly add the mixture of rum, tequila and lemon juice. Extract the gelato, while adding ribbons of coconut flakes. Blast freeze for 5 minutes then transfer to display case set at -11°/-12°C after having decorated with slices of lemon, if desired. 36