PUNTOITALY N°1 -January - June 2012

22 Shows The competitions 21 January Ice sculpture - ghiaccioexpress.com special prize 22 January Dessert gelato served on a plate - Debic special prize Entrée (Gelato served at table, or gourmet gelato) - Electrolux special prize and sea”; these are a decorated cup to be served at table, a gelato cake, a dec- orated gelato tub for display, a gelato cone, an entrée with gourmet gelato, and a gelato dessert served on a plate. In addition, the team must produce three sculptures, one of gelato, one of ice and the other of chocolate, for pres- entation at the final Grand Buffet. The Technical Jury, made up of the 13 Team Managers, is led by the President of the Jury, Mauro Petrini, assisted by the Honorary President of the 2012 Jury, Jean-Claude David, Captain of the French team that won the 4th Cup in 2010. Everything will take place under the eagle eyes of the Cup’s invigilating officers, Sergio Dondoli and Sergio Colalucci. Among the most eagerly anticipated events of the next Sigep, is the 5th edition of the Gelato World Cup, an event that is organised on a two-yearly basis.