PUNTOITALY N°1 -January - June 2012

Face to face 34 MIX COMPOSITION “Gosh, I ate a lovely gelato in Rome, during my last holiday, and I’d really like to know what they put inside!!!” The answer is: passion!!! Unfortunately passion is not enough, to produce a good, creamy and tasty gelato you need tech- nique and some years of experience, sensibility and sensitivity. The technique is easy to get, you only have to participate in a course and after a week or two, you will know how to fill a gelato show case. This doesn’t mean you will be a gelato ex- pert, but it might be useful when reaching the breakeven point is your first goal. There are some easy rules, such as the percentage of sugar, fat and milk proteins, that are guide lines to follow to produce a good product. The ability to invent new flavors is something that a good artisan can get with some experience and a lot of passion.