PUNTOITALY N°1 -January - June 2012

45 THE ITALIAN MAGAZINE FOR INTERNATIONAL BUYERS IN GELATO, CONFECTIONERY AND TRENDY FOOD-AND-DRINK do with it. Provided that the rind is not too thick, an unpeeled melon generally offers the best results because of the colour contrast produced by the rind and pulp of the fruit. Once it has been carefully washed and dried, cut it crosswise. The first slices must be disposed of, since they are small and ir- regular. The thickness of the cut must be carefully calibrated, to ensure that when the flesh is bent it does not come to pieces or even break. On the other hand, if the slices are too thick they will be rigid, and unsuitable for creating waves and petals. In any case, what is basic is that they should be of more or less equal thickness. AND TO CONCLUDE... When the preparation is finished (for a whole fruit no more than two or three minutes will suffice), the melon can be used to garnish gelato cups. In this case choose a tulip-shaped container (best suited to containing quite large slices folded over themselves) and choose strong and colourful flavours, such as chocolate, raspberry, blackberry... If prepared in ad- vance, it is best to cover them with cling film and keep them in a cool place. They remain fresh with their taste intact for at least a couple of days. • photo by Studio Indoor