PUNTOITALY N°2 - July - December 2012

18 Event makers from nine European countries). According to the information from the office of the Member of the European Parliament Sergio Silvestris, who was a prime mover behind the meeting in Strasbourg this year, the number of signatures continues to grow. As the President of Artglace, Ferdinando Buonocore, has em- phasised, the establishment of a European Artisan Gelato Day 188 Members of the European Parliament, representing 24 na- tions, have already signed the Declaration to establish a “Eu- ropean Artisan Gelato Day”, to be celebrated each 24 March. The collection of signatures began last March in Strasbourg on the occasion of the 4th meeting, at the European Parlia- ment, of the associations belonging to Artglace (the Confed- eration that brings together representatives of artisan gelato In Strasbourg, about 200 European parliamentarians representing 24 nations have already signed the petition to establish a “European Artisan Gelato Day” to be celebrated on 24 March. GELATO IN PARLIAMENT Participants in the meeting in Strasbourg last March. The initiative also had the purpose of promoting a collection of signatures among European Parliamentarians to establish a “European Artisan Gelato Day” to be celebrated each 24 March.