Sweetmood No30 - May 2022

thanks to those who have financial strength and are promoted by chefs that have been transformed into television stars. The changes will not stop there. In addition to delivery apps, new technologies are being developed for cooking and reheating to better preserve the aromas and warmth of ordered dishes. In the meantime, research continues for synthetic meat production for sustainability’s and for health’s sake. Playing between sweet and savoury 2022 is the year of the dessert. Google Trends confirms that in the first months of the year, many people searched for the word “desserts”, focusingmore on traditional options. The theme is going back to your orFor a few years now, ghost restaurants, that is, shared spaces for chefs without restaurants that are supported by perfect logistics able to provide take-away, have made it possible for anyone to create and expand a restaurant brand without the costs and worries of maintaining a physical space. Now, technology seems to promise overcoming even the geographical boundaries of a city, lowering time limits. These sudden changes lead us to question the possibility that in the not-so-distant future there could be restaurants that exist only online, enjoying the same charm of the digital stores that sell clothes or beauty products. Not only that, there is fear of a boom of a new generation of fast food, that will succeed Gubana ph. Giorgio Bertuzzi 22 TRENDS