PUNTOITALY No31 - July 2022

Your work expands also across many industry associations, such as l’Accademia dei Maestri del Lievito Madre e del Panettone Italiano (the Association of Mother Dough and Italian Panettone maestros) and l’Apei – Ambascia- tori Pasticceri dell’Eccellenza Italiana (Ambassador Pastry Chefs of Italian Excellence). What objectives do these associations propose and how can communication with consumers improve? The goal is to elevate Italian pastry, gelato and chocolate arts to levels of excellence, with great commitment to making this known, in addition to comparison among professionals that have the same passion and same determination to accomplish this goal. Communication with consumers could be improved by using all the channels available, ranging from events in public spaces up to digital channels. It is work that I try to do daily by talking about sweets with all the customers that walk into my pastry shop and purchase them. What is Francesco Elmi’s main goal for the future? To continue to innovate myself both in the content and in the presentation of my sweets, while optimizing production and changing the way my customers perceive my product. All of this while creating an environment that is continuously more special and that can give the customer a complete tasting experience. 21