PUNTOITALY No35 - July 2023

lato artisans who will compete at the Coppa d’Oro finals taking place at Mig 2023. Also in June, representatives of Longarone Fiere went to Berlin, Germany, for the first meeting with the partners of the GelatOn the Road project, financed by the European Commission through its “Creative Europe” program. The initiative, which foresees participation from 16 partners and involves 12 countries, lasts 36 months and has the objective to create the first “European Gelato Route”. The aim is to promote and preserve the cultural heritage and the local identity of gelato as an artisanal, high-quality product. As many gelato shops as possible will be added to the network, thanks also to a dedicated app. The shops will be able to dialogue with each other during Mig, the meeting place for the project for the next three years. Preparations are underway for the 63rd edition of Mig - Mostra Internazionale del Gelato, on stage as always at Longarone (Belluno, Italy) at the end of November. The event has countless strengths that make it a real catalyst for the artisanal gelato industry. First, the period it takes place is universally recognized as the ideal moment to get into contact with the exhibiting companies and to evaluate the new offers in ingredients and equipment. These are products that often drive market trends of the following season and that, once inserted into the point of sales, help the gelato artisan be on the cutting-edge. Furthermore, Mig is a tradeshow traditionally focused on artisanal gelato, which allows visitors to get all the information and updates they want in real time without being overwhelmed. And its open international vision allows it to be always ready for change. From gelato in foodservice to mixology, up to including chocolates in the gelato shop… each aspect represents a precious opportunity to dialogue with the market while considering cross-selling possibilities. Furthermore, at Mig 2023, thanks to a network of international experts, you will find numerous presentations and current methods that will be useful for building a solid and lasting business. The European project is underway Last June in Argentina the first edition of the “Copa de Oro” took place. Organized in collaboration with the Argentine Gelato Chefs Association, AFADHYA, the competition led to the selection of the Albiceleste gePreviews for the season MIG 26 - 29 November 2023 - WWW.MOSTRADELGELATO.COM/EN From left: Antonio Mezzalira president of the jury, Gerardo Pozo winner of the Copa de Oro, Maximiliano Maccarrone president Afadhya. The creation of Gerardo Pozo, winner of the Copa de Oro 158