PUNTOITALY No35 - July 2023

figuration with 8, 14 or 20 flavors. “Vista gelato” is a “four seasons” display case. It can be converted into a glycol cooling pastry chiller at any time: it is possible to storage your gelato below and in the same time to showcase the pastry products on the display deck. Discover more on www.brxitalia.com Present in over 40 countries, Brx is specialized in glycol and ventilated pozzetti for gelato. The company also manufactures drop-in units, pastry display cases, bar counters and closed-circuit water economizers which enable 100% water saving. Brx presents “Vista gelato”, which is the only display case in the market combining glycol and ventilated cooling, offering the “Best of Both Worlds”. “Vista gelato” is the evolution of pozzetti because the gelato is now visible; in the same time, it is the revolution of the traditional scooping display case because there is no need to remove the carapina pans every night. “Vista gelato” becomes indeed a night storage freezer: you simply place the carapina pans into the low position inside the bowl holders, restore the lids and switch selector switch to night time mode and only the glycol cooling is on enabling to maintain your gelato as well as save energy. “Vista gelato” comes with two layers of carapina pans, the upper one and the storage. The carapina pan can be either Ø 26 cm with 6, 10 or 14 flavors or Ø 20 cm in the Triple row conSpecialized in pozzetti for gelato and much more BRX 88