PUNTOITALY No36 - October - December 2023

“Famelico”, the cocktail Ettore Diana, recognized throughout the world of mixology as one of the most eclectic Italian bartenders, a book author and a winner of several Guinness World Records, is known to the public for having created, in support of charity initiatives, the largest cocktail, coffee, tea, cappuccino, herbal tea and mojito in the world. For the readers of SweetMood, Ettore Diana, at Central Bar 80 in Santa Teresa Gallura, has created “Famelico”, a cocktail starring rhubarb. It is a fruity drink, especially perfect for happy hour. It is enjoyable and it pairs well with the usual appetizers. • rhubarb 4,5 cl • gin flavoured with Mandarin oranges from Procida 2,5 cl • peach liquor 2,5 cl To decorate, you can use some mint leaves, and a slice of lime, strawberry and peach. Recipe by Ettore Diana 26 INGREDIENTS