Sweetmood No30 - May 2022

The success of Instagram Food Instagram is a great way to gauge future trends. If you scroll through the profiles dedicated to desserts, you find that cakes that disobey the rigid rules of modern pastry are increasingly successful. Cakes that have gone viral are the ones that are richly decorated, so much so to seem almost bizarre, if not kitsch. It is difficult to define the style, and even more difficult to describe them. If on one hand, imperfection is surely the result of the incompetence of those who improvised being pastry chefs during lockdown, on the other hand you notice the desire to contradict the minimalism of expert pastry chefs to impose a new aesthetic style. The desire to not follow the aesthetic rules of desserts that for years have imposed clean and refined lines is evident. Yet these grotesque cakes have won the favour and empathy of users, so much so that Netflix has launched different contests such as Nailed it!, challenges that are not able to entice your sweet tooth, but can definitely make you smile and amaze you. An unexpected triumph that pushed many Instagrammers to sell their creations successfully. for sauces, baked goods and smoothies, is also making its way. Other new trends include sunflower seeds, used mainly for crackers, creamy cheeses and gelato. Rediscovery of charcuterie boards For happy hour or as an appetizer, sliced cured meats boards are making a comeback, often accompanied with cheeses. Italian tradition has it that cured meats are to be arranged, with some slices rolled up while others are left lying flat, and the cheeses are to be sliced. It should all be arranged on a medium sized board and accompanied with small bowls of olives, sauces, honey, vegetables, jams and often figs. The open spaces can be filled with nuts or fresh fruit. The board is always accompanied by a breadbasket, which can be filled with bread or breadsticks. freepik ph. Giorgio Bertuzzi 25