PUNTOITALY No36 - October - December 2023

Italian croissant and Pan di Stracci Ingredients • flour W320-350 P/L 0,55 2000 g • sugar 300 g • butter 350 g • eggs 1000 g • salt 20 g • Tahitian vanilla bean 1 • orange zest 2 • cake yeast 80 g For the laminated dough butter 1000 g In a twin-arm mixer at 60 beats/minute, add the flour and eggs (less than 20 percent) and knead for a few minutes. Add salt, sugar, flavourings and butter, and knead until the dough no longer sticks to the sides of the machine. Then add the yeast with the rest of the eggs and mix until a smooth, elastic and uniform dough is obtained. Divide the dough into two parts and place them in boxes covered with cellophane. Place the boxes in a freezer set at -12°C/-15°C and leave overnight. The next morning, when the dough is soft enough, add 500 grams of butter that has been kneaded to make it workable to each dough. Fold 3 times to make the laminated dough, then 2 times, then a third time after 30 minutes of rest in the refrigerator. When the dough is hard enough, roll it out to a 4 mm thickness and cut out triangles that are 50 g each. Roll up the triangles to create wellshaped croissants that are not too thick. Place them 4x3 on a 60x40 cm baking sheet and let rise at room temperature for 10-12 hours. Once ready to be placed in the oven, brush them with an egg wash, or spray the egg wash so they brown uniformly and faster. Bake at 195°C for 12 minutes. When the product is still warm, it can be glazed with a water-based orange glaze. Recipe 20 A NEW DESSERT