PUNTOITALY No36 - October - December 2023

Packaging A further surprise is the packaging, that is available in two versions: a cardboardone(whichcan be recycledafter use) and another one made with regenerated jeans (limited edition), designed to unfold entirely, becoming a sort of tablecloth. Pan di Stracci When making croissants, many leftovers are produced, which are usually mixed up again. These leftovers usually consist of a strip that is as long as the rolled-out dough and can be between ten and twenty millimetres wide, and of many unused triangles because they are too small to be used to make a croissant. By hand, cut up the leftovers, creating rectangles (roughly 10x1 cm) and triangles (roughly 10x2 cm). Place the trimmings in a fan-shape creating a circle, then fold them in on themselves to create a ball (roughly 10 trimmings for each ball), intertwining the various “rags” irregularly. Once the balls are made, place them in a tapered cake pan with a 20 cm diameter (based on the version), with seven balls for each Pan di Stracci. Let rise at room temperature for 10-12 hours. When ready to be baked, brush or spray with egg wash. Bake at 180°C for 30 minutes. Once cool, the dessert can be filled. 21