PUNTOITALY No37 January - 2024

The spread of veganism has seen exponential growth in recent years. More and more people are choosing to adopt a lifestyle based on resources that are not taken from the animal kingdom. There are many reasons for this trend. According to several studies, most consumers become vegan out of a desire to ensure animal welfare. There are also those who do it for health purpose, since it seems that a plant-based diet can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. And there are those who make the switch in order to do their part to protect environmental sustainability: livestock farming – especially of grazing animals – produces gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. As a general trend, consumers are looking for simpler aliments that focus on value and sustainability. They are increasingly wary of processed foods and are looking for alternatives that they perceive as more natural. Estimating the vegan population is not easy. Some research suggests that there are about 79 million vegans worldwide. While it’s true that compared to a global population of about 8 billion this percentage is not that significant, it’s also true that this figure is growing steadily and reflects a fundamental shift in consumer behavior. In terms of demographics, statistics show that more than half of those adopting a plant-based diet are women. In addition, nearly half of vegans belong to the Millennial generation, while Gen X accounts for about 20%. Surmountable obstacles With all these positive numbers, it certainly seems that the rise of plant-based food trends is not just a passing fad. It’s a movement that is changing our diet, our culture, and our conscience. It reflects a profound change in the way we relate to food. However, some obstacles to the spread of veganism persist. First, there is a belief on the part of a large segment of consumers that fruits and vegetables alone are not a sufficient source of protein, minerals, and other types of nutrients that are esMore and more consumers are choosing to eat a plant-based diet not only to protect animals, but also to enjoy health benefits and defend the planet. The dishes offered by chefs have reached the highest levels. And in the pastry shop... 67 image by Cocobols on unsplash image by Alexandra Golovac on unsplash