PUNTOITALY No37 January - 2024

The role of social media Social media have also played a key role in spreading vegan lifestyles. Food bloggers, influencers, and celebrities have used their digital platforms to showcase small plant-based masterpieces and share personal stories about adopting cruelty-free diets. The unexpected allure of dishes rich in appeal has captured the attention of a wide audience. Not only have they aroused considerable curiosity, but they have also provided a source of inspiration, leading more and more people to explore this culinary choice. The accessibility of information on the web, from recipes to nutritional advice, has facilitated the transition to a plantbased diet, making it even easier for newcomers to embrace this lifestyle. TRENDS sential for a balanced diet. However, with careful planning and a varied diet it is not difficult to meet these nutritional needs. Another factor is the higher cost of an exclusively plant-based diet, which can be an impediment for those in lower income brackets. It must be said in this regard that as demand for such products increases, prices are likely to become more affordable. Flavour evolution Gone are the days when a plant-based meal consisted of boring salads and unappealing tofu dishes. In recent years the culinary landscape has evolved to accommodate the change taking place. Chefs around the world are exploring the remarkable potential of plant-based ingredients. The application of techniques such as fermentation, vacuum cooking, and molecular gastronomy has been groundbreaking for veggie dishes, which are now able to compete in complexity and taste with their animal-based counterparts. From juicy plantbased burgers that “bleed” beet juice to dairy-free cheeses with authentic savoriness, culinary artists are expanding the boundaries of cooking to new, unexplored horizons. And while vegan burgers have been the trend in recent years, plant-based seafood is now becoming the food to keep an eye on in the immediate future. Virtuous examples Today, being a vegan no longer means being forced to always cook at home or simply changing your daily diet to fruits and vegetables. More than ever consumers are looking for restaurants that offer a vegan meal with attention to every detail and including every course, from appetizers to desserts. Vegan burgers, pizzas, and cafes are gaining in popularity as bars and restaurants are designing their business models to cater not only to vegan consumers, but also to those who wish to spend an evening dining unconventionally. The availability of alternatives to meat and dairy products has made it eas68 image by Freepik image by Eaters Collective on unsplash